Can You Fix Anything. Anything At All.
Can you fix anything?
That would assume
You had some ability to change the past
And as we know
That is not possible.
Or is it?
Can we create a meaning for the meaningless?
Can we work to conform a given story
Into something
We find more palatable?
What about finding meaning
In the meaningless?
Is there such a thing as “meaning”?
I think I know that answer
But, life, sometimes, in my experience,
Is a cacophony of noise and furor
Signifying nothing
It is true, though
That I still try
To wrestle a story into a frame,
Like a painting…
Can you fix anything?
That would suggest
That we can alter
Immutable facts and happenings
Which we cannot.
Or is there a way?
Perhaps our lives are about
Creating a meaning
Out of the meaningless
In order to present it in a frame
Can You Fix Anything? Anything At All?
The short answer
No, but you can fix
A thing’s
© Richard A. Martin, Jr., MD, CPC, 2016
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